DeConcini writes letters to the Treasury secretary re: various complaints about Gray
Keating contributes to a political action committee (PAC) that Glenn is the spokesman for
Keating attempts to hire Gray out of regulatory post (as FHLBB Chairman)
Keating gives money to McCain's 1st Senate campaign
Keating becomes "significant" contributor to Cranston
McCain sends letters to White House Chief of Staff Baker and Treasury Secretary Regan containing copies of his 01/04/1985 letter
Jacobson opens $300,000 line of credit from Lincoln
Keating again contributes to a political action committee (PAC) that Glenn is the spokesman for
Riegle meets Keating at the opening of his Pontchartrain Hotel in Detroit
Keating asks Glenn to support nomination of Lee Henkel to Bank Board
Media: Earnings, Revenue Rise 30% for Lincoln Savings
Media: FHLBB's Gray Fights On; S&L Officials No Longer Pressing for His Resignation
DeConcini recommends Henkel to be on the FHLBB
Keating asks Glenn to support the nomination of Daniel Manion to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
Keating, Grogan, and Riegle meet briefly re: ACC
McCain {writes} Gray about delaying implementation of "direct investment" regulations
Media: EARNINGS; Lincoln S&L Reports 50% Income Drop
Keating sends {letter} to McCain disparaging Gray
DeConcini receives checks raised by Keating
Keating, Grogan, and Riegle meet re: Henkel nomination
Sedlmayr becomes aware of Keating's trouble with the Bank Board
Media: FHLBB Officials' Special Treatment Probed
Gray releases {statement} about Keating's attempts to hire Gray out of FHLBB role
Gray sends {letter} to Cirona requesting information on Lincoln review
{Cirona Report} is issued to Gray as response to his earlier letter
FSLIC recapitalization bill is stopped in Congress by Speaker Wright
Media: Lincoln Savings Reports 70% Gain in Profit for Third Quarter
Jacobson meets with Keating on '86 election night
{Media:} Gray Reimbursed Home Loan Banks for Wife's Travels
Media: Bank Board Lived Well Off Sundefined Industry Picked Up Tab for Cruises, Gifts, Alcohol, Limousines - Bank Board's Expenses Disclosed
DeConcini sends Sedlmayr memo about putting pressure on Gray
Sedlmayr advises DeConcini to "stay out of" the Gray/Keating feud
Jacobson sends {memo} to Cranston re: legislative matters of contributors
Media: Bank Board Appointee Faces Conflict Charge; Proxmire Opposes Henkel for S&L Ties; Bank Board Appointee Faces Conflict Charge by Proxmire
Media: Henkel Denies Conflict in His S&L Proposal
Henkel sends {letter} to Proxmire defending his actions on the FHLBB
Glenn meets with Atchison to discuss investigation of Keating
Riegle meets with Keating and Grogan in Washington
McCain goes to Riegle's office to talk about the Gray/Keating feud
Riegle's staff drafts a {memo} for him detailing a fundraising opportunity with Keating
Media: Lincoln S&L Holds Position as No. 2 in Orange County
America Votes - a Cranston-affiliated PAC advocating voter participation - discloses Keating donated $100,000 in seed funding
Lincoln's lawyers release {letter} defending actions of Henkel
Grogan sends {letter} to Riegle, Jacobson, and Jordan asking for advice about a Senate "Petition for Disqualification" for Gray
Letter sent to Jacobson from Grogan re: desire for Gray's dismissal
Grogan and Atchison go to Washington to lobby support for "direct investment" deregulation.
Riegle talks to McCain on Senate floor re: Keating's issues
Keating calls DeConcini and asks him to set up meeting re: issues with Gray
Lincoln files lawsuit against FHLBB "direct investment" laws
AZ League of Savings and Loans Association issues complaint to VanPaasschen re: "direct investment" laws
Riegle visits Lincoln in Phoenix
Gray meets with Riegle to lobby for "direct investment" regulation
Riegle meets with Gray re: FSLIC recapitalization bill
While Keating and Riegle meet privately, Grogan works on fundraiser that Keating proposed for Riegle
Riegle votes against cutting S&L regulatory funding
{Media:} Bank Board Clears Henkel of Conflict Charge; Reagan Nominee Accused of Proposing Self-Serving Amendment
Arthur Young (Atchison's) letter sent to Riegle by Atchison
DeConcini's office receives Atchison's letter and other evidence of mistreatment from ACC
Grogan attends meeting with Cranston and Riegle
Grogan meets with Riegle and asks for invite from McCain/DeConcini to attend meeting with Gray
DeConcini talks to Riegle and tells him he is having trouble with Gray
ACC sends DeConcini's office information re: regulatory problems and ACC's responses
Arthur Young (Atchison's) letter sent to McCain's office
DeConcini receives summary of Keating's positions via "Schedule" {memo}
VanPaasschen advises McCain that meeting with Gray and the SF regulators would be improper
McCain, DeConcini, VanPaasschen, and Sedlmayr meet in McCain's office re: Keating and Gray
Sedlmayr prepares memo re: ACC's concerns for DeConcini
Petition filed to recuse Gray from the Bank Board
DeConcini calls Gray and asks if he will meet with the senators re: Lincoln's problems with the Bank Board
Sedlmayr tells VanPaasschen that Keating called McCain a "wimp" in conversation with DeConcini
VanPaasschen has long conversation with Atchison about the legitimacy of his letter
Fundraiser by Keating for Riegle held at his Pontchartrain Hotel
McCain terminates relationship with Keating
VanPaasschen sends {memo} to McCain that supports Arthur Young letter (after meeting with Keating)
Keating and McCain meet in McCain's office
DeConcini meets with Keating
McCain tells VanPaasschen that there is discussion of four senators meeting with Gray
Riegle votes again on the Senate floor to protect funding for S&L regulators
Media: Justice Asked to Probe Bank Board Member; Justice Asked to Probe Henkel
Date when McCain says he finds out other senators will be at the April 2nd meeting with Gray
Sedlmayr sends DeConcini {memo} in preparation for April 2nd meeting
McCain receives {memo} outlining two points he can talk about in meeting with Gray (from VanPaasschen)
Meeting 1: McCain, DeConcini, Cranston, and Glenn meet with Gray in DeConcini's office
{Media:} Henkel Resigns FHLBB Post, Criticizes Justice Dept. Probe [of Relationship With Lincoln]; Henkel Quits Bank Board
Gray calls DeConcini to tell him that the SF regulators will be available to meet with the senators on the 9th
Grogan goes to Washington after the first meeting to talk to all the senators and "keep the team together
Keating sends "Schedule" memo to other senators
Sedlmayr calls friend in Riegle's office to find out about his involvement in the matter
Riegle tells DeConcini to ask Sedlmayr not to contact his office re: meetings with Gray
DeConcini calls Gray and tells him the senators do want to meet with the SF regulators
Sedlmayr meets with Grogan on the day of the April 9th meeting
Meeting 2: Keating Five meet with SF regulators in DeConcini's office
Sedlmayr drafts {letter} to Riegle inviting him to second meeting, from DeConcini and McCain
DeConcini calls Keating and tells him he can't expect much from the Bank Board
Jordan visits ACC (to look at their operation and land valuation, etc.)
Both McCain and Glenn end all contact with Keating and SF regulators
Riegle ends all contact with Keating and SF regulators
Gray sends Riegle copy of the Black Transcript
Riegle {calls} a New York City security company Gray is interested in a job with and gives a positive opinion
Exam Report on Lincoln issued by SF regulators
Keating offers to raise another $150,000 for Glenn
Gray's term on the Bank Board ends
Keating sends Grogan infamous "Get Black" {letter}
Media: S&L Chief Says Bank Board Leaked Data to Discredit Him; S&L Executive Sues Bank Board
Jacobson schedules {meeting} with Keating and Cranston for this date
Jordan hears Bank Board is making a criminal referral to the Justice Department re: Lincoln
Glenn sets up a luncheon between Keating, Wright, and himself
Jacobson schedules dinner for Cranston and Keating
"National Thrift News" ranks Lincoln 39th of top 100 S&Ls in net worth